Hunter Respiratory and Sleep Centre

25 Molly Morgan Drive, East Maitland
Phone: 02 4018 7506,  Fax: 02 4915 5351, Email:

Referral Request

This referral request is to be completed by a Referring Practitioner only. Once the referrer submits the form, a copy of the referral will be sent to our reception and we will contact the patient to make an appointment at the earliest convenience.

Patient Details

Clinical Priority

Respiratory Investigation Only

Sleep Investigation Only

Physician Consultation

Referring Doctor

Draw signature|Type signatureClear
A copy of the referral will be sent to this email
Another copy of the referral will be sent to this email

Medicare Rebate ScreeningQuestionnaire for Sleep Study

It is a Medicare requirement that a patient need to have STOP BANG>3 or OSA 50>5 and ESS>8) to qualify for rebated sleep study without physician consultation. Alternatively, please tick a sleep consultation request and our friendly team will contact the patient to direct an appropriate pathway.

OSA50 Screening Questionnaire

Epworth Sleepiness Scale

How likely are you to doze off (fall asleep) in the following situations?

Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate answer:

0 - No chance

1 - Slight chance

2 - Moderate chance

3 - High chance